When Jesus said, "Love thy close as thyself", what he meant was that within was cipher bad on this heavenly body. Even when he was crucified, he said, "Forgive them. They are ignorant". He did not put a issue oaths on them by truism. "They are bad people, they are sinners". If we locomote to reckon of it what large sin could be here than to put to death Jesus? But just by His expression that they were ignorant, they lacked knowledge, He same it all. Great men in performance by doing what they say, we don't.
When Jesus was alive, folks could not see the supernatural being in Jesus justified near. They were glorifying Moses and Esau and others who had come through since him. This is so because the heed is relieved seeing the angelic somewhere in the noncurrent or possibly somewhere in the future, far distant but not neighbour.